Topps Mickey Mantle

1959 Topps #10 Mickey Mantle G X2849089

1959 Topps #10 Mickey Mantle G X2849089
1959 Topps #10 Mickey Mantle G X2849089

1959 Topps #10 Mickey Mantle G X2849089    1959 Topps #10 Mickey Mantle G X2849089

We strive to keep a large inventory of Vintage Cards in various grades at Fair Prices for our customers. All of our listings are for the card in the title of the listing only.

If there is a mistake in the listing, or you have concerns on why a card received a certain grade, please ask questions so we can clarify the listing. Please put all items into your cart before checking out. Below is a brief synopsis of our Grading Scale. NMMT A truly exceptional card. Centering 60/40 or better with nearly flawless corners.

NM+ A near perfect card. Centering is 65/35 or better with one corner with minor wear. Card is in focus and free of print lines. NM/NM+ A grade for Commons only. Card will either be NM or NM+.

A true high grade card. Centering is 75/25 or better with sharp corners.

Could have minor wear on 2 corners. EXMT+ Very Close to NM.

Centering is 75/25 or better. Corners can have minor touches of wear on them, but they still all come to a point.

EXMT/EXMT+ A grade for Commons only. Card will be either EXMT or EXMT+.

EXMT Still a Nice High Grade Card. Centering is 80/20 or Better. Corners have minor to moderate wear, but are still relatively sharp and card has overall nice appearance. EX+ The Nicest of all the Mid Grade cards. Centering must be 85/15 or Better. Corners can have moderate wear, but no major problems on this grade. EX/EX+ A grade for Commons Only.

Card will be either EX or EX+. EX A Solid Mid Grade Card. Centering must be 90/10 or Better.

Corners can have moderate wear, but no rounding, creasing or major problems on this card. VGEX The Nicest of the Low Grade cards. Card can't be Mis-cut, but can be off center. The corners can be slightly rounded. No major creases but could have a minor crease, or wrinkle.

No intentional damage can be on this Card. A grade for Commons Only. Card will be either VG or VGEX.

Could have a crease, or wrinkle on the card. VG Still a Decent Low Grade card. No intentional Damage on the card.

There can be a major crease or multiple small creases, but there is not a crease the destroys the eye appeal of the card. Card can be miscut if otherwise nice. GVG Card can have multiple creases.

There can be markings on the front and or back. The card is not destroyed, but has major problems. G (GOOD) There may be back damage, Multiple creasing, markings on the front or back of the card. The card is intact, but by no means an attractive card. F (FAIR) Usually used as a filler card. Card is almost completely worn out. Can have creases throughout, major back damage, including paper loss and markings. P (POOR) The lowest grade we assign a card.

This is just to say you have the card. Can have part of the card missing, writing, major creases, etc. Below is a Glossary of Terms. Corrected COM Post Cereal Company. First Bowman Card FPC First Parkhurst Card.

Kid Photos LL League Leader. Manager NNOF No Name On Front. Record Breaker RC Rookie Card. Short Print TC Team Card/Checklist. Triple Print UER Uncorrected Error U.

With Tab WL White Letter. World Series XRC Extended Rookie Card. Yellow Letter YT Yellow Team.
1959 Topps #10 Mickey Mantle G X2849089    1959 Topps #10 Mickey Mantle G X2849089